hair porosity

Natural Hair Care Products Not Working on Your Natural Texture? by Reginald Titus

Have you ever wondered why one product may work for your sister’s hair but when you use that same product the results are horrendous for you? My simple answer is that knowledge is power.

When a woman decides to return to natural she will find that there is a slight learning curve. I know I did. The more you know the more you will flourish on your natural hair journey. I found some great information that was a game changer for me. I learned about hair porosity.

I became aware of hair porosity right after I learned about my hair type on the hair chart which is a blend of 3c/4a. Learning about my hair porosity helped me to better identify the best product ingredients for my hair. After I found out this information shopping for hair products became a less stressful!!!

To deepen your knowledge about hair porosity click on the links below.