Natural Hair Documentary / by Reginald Titus

Natural Hair Documentary

Natural Hair Documentary

One thing that the Coronavirus has taught me is to get things done and do not wait. Do everything that you can to push your dreams. This is because you never know what could happen or even if you will be here tomorrow. This is because tomorrow is not promised. We are all here for a purpose, it is important for us to make sure that we listen to that still small voice inside. Because that voice is often times the seed of a grand tree that will produce fruit for the masses that could nourish their minds and spirits.

We do not know what the future holds. No one does. But, the reason that I married my partner (who is also the director) is that he challenged me to challenge the norm and to ask plenty of questions. If something does not seem right it is because it probably isn’t. Why do we do what we do? Why do we use chemicals that harm us and the environment when there are natural alternatives? Why do we subscribe to a system that suppresses creativity and celebrates staying inside the lines? This virus for me has been a wake-up call. But, it has also made me realize that the rules that are currently in place are not necessarily for our benefit. 

As an executive producer, wife, and mother in quarantine it has been a surreal experience. It seems as if work is never done. I have had to remember to celebrate each and every win and embrace the perceived losses. The marathon of this project has taught me endurance. It has taught me to fight harder, to push harder, and then be grateful. The outpour of support from unexpected people has been amazing. This journey has made me stronger and tougher. Natural Hair the Movie is now on Amazon Prime and it is free for Prime Members. We are happy beyond measure. We now have a contest going on, we are asking for people to leave a review on Amazon and they will be placed in a drawing to win a free T-shirt. Click here now

You were put on this earth to do more than to work and die. I challenge you now to start living life on your own terms and to redefine the rules.

Until next time y’all stay beautiful and stay great!

Ashanti Titus, Executive Producer